Sophie Gerin

Using the beauty of soul and nature to connect with ancient wisdom

Expressing the subtle aspects of our world, myths and stories through mysterious landscapes and soul portraits


Sophie Gerin is a French artist currently residing in Belgium. Gerin grew up and worked in Paris and left her job in finance in 2006 to start her artistic career, creating palette knife oil paintings. Gerin then trained in engraving and completed her know-how as a painter at the Versailles School of Fine Arts in 2011/2012. Very attracted to pigments and textures and passionate about minerals and their meanings, Gerin has been creating jewelry since 2015.

Gerin is a member of the “Professional Artist Association”, has work in private collections in France and in Belgium and is represented by the “This is not Belgium” Gallery. Gerin has participated in over 20 shows in Paris and France, including a solo exhibition at “La Galerie de l’Excellence” at La Roche Posay.

Gerin was awarded second prize for painting at the Salon des arts de Vaucresson in 2011

Artist statement

My work is about soul portrait, the inner self, the wisdom of the masters, the journey of the human being between shadow and light and his or her connection to a higher dimension. I particularly wonder about the transmission of the teachings of the wise through art and symbols and about the ways to “encode” this transmission in art.

The expression is abstract, woven with mythology and sacred landscapes: their ancient civilizations, histories and the stories of humanity, the legend of man and woman and how we might still in the 21st century learn from these stories.

I create with various techniques, from palette knife oil painting for its texture, its rich colors, and its spontaneous expression, to engraving on copper plates for its mysterious contrasts, through watercolor for its transparency.

As a traveler between shadow and light, I seek to capture the ancestral wisdom of which I have been able to find traces through certain encounters and certain stories: capturing them on canvas or paper is a way of bringing them to life. Trough the sweetness of a face, the question suggested by a look, the travelling through sacred landscape and the book of myths and dreams, my wish is to transmit to others a vision going forward, to create connections. Finally, in this fragmented world, where shadows arise, I wish to express, through my series “Colombe”, a wish for peace.

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